home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- =================================================
- =================================================
- The "/run" command line switch can be used to generate SmartDir
- reports in an unattended manner. This allows you to create
- shortcuts that generate regularly run reports in the background
- or to use the system scheduler to automatically generate these
- reports at regular intervals. For instance, you could have a
- Large Files Report run every Monday at 4:00 AM and a Directory
- Size Report run every Friday at 8:00 PM. These reports are
- written to .txt files that can later be opened in SmartDir or
- imported into other applications. Report criteria is specified
- via an "ini" file (the supplied Batch.ini file is used as a
- template). Complete documentation for "ini" file parameters is
- included below.
- To set up and run a batch report, follow these steps...
- 1) Make a copy of the Batch.ini file, and give it a descriptive
- name (i.e. WeeklyFL.ini).
- 2) Open this new .ini file in a text editor (you can use SmartDir
- for this), and specify the report type, report file name, date
- format, and other options for this report type.
- 3) To run the report, use the following command (assumes that
- SmartDir is installed in the default directory)...
- "C:\Program Files\Gavlock Consulting\SmartDir.exe" /run "C:\Program Files\Gavlock Consulting\WeeklyFL.ini"
- This can be entered either as the target for a shortcut or
- set up to be run by the system scheduler at a given time.
- 4) Repeat the above 3 steps for each batch report you wish to run.
- Note that SmartDir can only generate one report at a time, so
- don't schedule more than one report to run at any one time.
- =================
- =================
- [Options] (Required) Section header.
- ReportType= (Required) Two letters specifying the type of report to be generated.
- Defaults to FL if not specified correctly.
- FL = File Listing
- DS = Directory Size Report
- LF = Large Files Report
- DC = Deletion Candidates Report
- ReportFile= (Required) The full path name for the .txt output file (in quotes).
- If a file with this name already exists, it will be overwritten.
- (example) "C:\My Documents\WeeklyFL.txt"
- DateFormat= (Required) Three letters specifying the date format to be used.
- MDY = MM/DD/YYYY (Default)
- ; File Listing Options (Used if ReportType=FL)
- ----------------------------------------------
- FLBaseDirectory= The full path name to the base directory for this report (in quotes).
- Defaults to "C:\" if not specified.
- (examples) "C:\My Documents"
- "D:\"
- FLFileType= The type of files to search for. Entered as a description followed by a
- file extension spec (in quotes). The file extension spec must be in the
- format: (*.xxx), where xxx is the file type to be searched for.
- Defaults to "All files (*.*)" if not specified.
- (examples) "Document files (*.doc)"
- "GIF files (*.gif)"
- FLReportFormat= One letter specifying the desired format for this report.
- R = Regular (Default)
- T = Tab-Delimited
- FLShowHidden= Whether or not to show hidden files in the report.
- Yes = Show hidden files
- No = Don't show hidden files (Default)
- FLShowSystem= Whether or not to show system files in the report.
- Yes = Show system files
- No = Don't show system files (Default)
- FLShowSubdirectories= Whether or not to show subdirectories in the report.
- Yes = Show subdirectories
- No = Don't show subdirectories (Default)
- FLIncludeSubdirectories= Whether or not to include subdirectories in the search.
- Yes = Search the base directory and all of its subdirectories
- No = Search only the base directory (Default)
- FLOutputName= Whether or not to show file names in the report.
- Yes = Show file names (Default)
- No = Don't show file names
- FLOutputDateModified= Whether or not to show file last modified dates in the report.
- Yes = Show last modified dates (Default)
- No = Don't show last modified dates
- FLOutputSize= Whether or not to show file sizes in the report.
- Yes = Show file sizes (Default)
- No = Don't show file sizes
- FLOutputAttributes= Whether or not to show file attributes in the report.
- Yes = Show file attributes (Default)
- No = Don't show file attributes
- FLOutputDateCreated= Whether or not to show file creation dates in the report.
- Yes = Show file creation dates
- No = Don't show file creation dates (Default)
- FLOutputDateAccessed= Whether or not to show file last accessed dates in the report.
- Yes = Show file last accessed dates
- No = Don't show file last accessed dates (Default)
- FLOutputCompressedSize= Whether or not to show compressed file sizes in the report.
- Only meaningful for NTFS file systems.
- Yes = Show compressed file sizes
- No = Don't show compressed file sizes (Default)
- FLOutputCompressionRatio= Whether or not to show file compression ratios in the report.
- Only meaningful for NTFS file systems.
- Yes = Show file compression ratios
- No = Don't show file compression ratios (Default)
- FLOutputSequenceNo= Whether or not to show sequence numbers in the report.
- Sequentially numbers each detail line.
- Yes = Show sequence numbers
- No = Don't show sequence numbers (Default)
- FLSortBy= One letter specifying how the report should be sorted.
- N = Name (Default)
- T = Type
- M = Modified date
- S = Size
- C = Creation date
- A = Accessed date
- X = Not sorted
- FLSortOrder= One letter specifying the sort order.
- A = Ascending (Default)
- D = Descending
- ; Directory Size Report Options (Used if ReportType=DS)
- -------------------------------------------------------
- DSBaseDirectory= The full path name to the base directory for this report (in quotes).
- Defaults to "C:\" if not specified.
- (examples) "C:\My Documents"
- "D:\"
- DSReportType= One letter specifying the desired report type.
- S = Summary - high-level directories only (Default)
- D = Detailed - includes all subdirectories
- DSReportFormat= One letter specifying the desired format for this report.
- R = Regular (Default)
- T = Tab-Delimited
- DSOutputName= Whether or not to show directory names in the report.
- Yes = Show directory names (Default)
- No = Don't show directory names
- DSOutputFileCount= Whether or not to show file counts in the report.
- Yes = Show file counts (Default)
- No = Don't show file counts
- DSOutputSize= Whether or not to show directory sizes in the report.
- Yes = Show directory sizes (Default)
- No = Don't show directory sizes
- DSOutputDateCreated= Whether or not to show directory creation dates in the report.
- Yes = Show creation dates
- No = Don't show creation dates (Default)
- DSOutputDateModified= Whether or not to show directory last modified dates in the report.
- Yes = Show last modified dates
- No = Don't show last modified dates (Default)
- DSOutputDateAccessed= Whether or not to show directory last accessed dates in the report.
- Yes = Show last accessed dates
- No = Don't show last accessed dates (Default)
- DSOutputCompressedSize= Whether or not to show compressed directory sizes in the report.
- Only meaningful for NTFS file systems.
- Yes = Show compressed directory sizes
- No = Don't show compressed directory sizes (Default)
- DSOutputCompressionRatio= Whether or not to show directory compression ratios in the report.
- Only meaningful for NTFS file systems.
- Yes = Show directory compression ratios
- No = Don't show directory compression ratios (Default)
- DSOutputSequenceNo= Whether or not to show sequence numbers in the report.
- Sequentially numbers each detail line.
- Yes = Show sequence numbers
- No = Don't show sequence numbers (Default)
- DSSortBy= One letter specifying how the report should be sorted.
- N = Name (Default)
- X = Not sorted
- ; Large Files Report Options (Used if ReportType=LF)
- ----------------------------------------------------
- LFBaseDirectory= The full path name to the base directory for this report (in quotes).
- Defaults to "C:\" if not specified.
- (examples) "C:\My Documents"
- "D:\"
- LFFileSize= The minimum size (in bytes) of files to search for. Entered as a number
- between 0 and 999,999,999. Commas are allowed, but spaces are not.
- Defaults to 5,000,000 if not specified correctly.
- (examples) 10,000,000
- 6000000
- LFReportFormat= One letter specifying the desired format for this report.
- R = Regular (Default)
- T = Tab-Delimited
- LFShowHidden= Whether or not to show hidden files in the report.
- Yes = Show hidden files
- No = Don't show hidden files (Default)
- LFShowSystem= Whether or not to show system files in the report.
- Yes = Show system files
- No = Don't show system files (Default)
- LFIncludeSubdirectories= Whether or not to include subdirectories in the search.
- Yes = Search the base directory and all of its subdirectories (Default)
- No = Search only the base directory
- LFOutputName= Whether or not to show file names in the report.
- Yes = Show file names (Default)
- No = Don't show file names
- LFOutputDateModified= Whether or not to show file last modified dates in the report.
- Yes = Show last modified dates (Default)
- No = Don't show last modified dates
- LFOutputSize= Whether or not to show file sizes in the report.
- Yes = Show file sizes (Default)
- No = Don't show file sizes
- LFOutputAttributes= Whether or not to show file attributes in the report.
- Yes = Show file attributes (Default)
- No = Don't show file attributes
- LFOutputDateCreated= Whether or not to show file creation dates in the report.
- Yes = Show file creation dates
- No = Don't show file creation dates (Default)
- LFOutputDateAccessed= Whether or not to show file last accessed dates in the report.
- Yes = Show file last accessed dates
- No = Don't show file last accessed dates (Default)
- LFOutputCompressedSize= Whether or not to show compressed file sizes in the report.
- Only meaningful for NTFS file systems.
- Yes = Show compressed file sizes
- No = Don't show compressed file sizes (Default)
- LFOutputCompressionRatio= Whether or not to show file compression ratios in the report.
- Only meaningful for NTFS file systems.
- Yes = Show file compression ratios
- No = Don't show file compression ratios (Default)
- LFOutputSequenceNo= Whether or not to show sequence numbers in the report.
- Sequentially numbers each detail line.
- Yes = Show sequence numbers
- No = Don't show sequence numbers (Default)
- LFSortBy= One letter specifying how the report should be sorted.
- N = Name (Default)
- T = Type
- M = Modified date
- S = Size
- C = Creation date
- A = Accessed date
- X = Not sorted
- LFSortOrder= One letter specifying the sort order.
- A = Ascending (Default)
- D = Descending
- ; Deletion Candidates Report Options (Used if ReportType=DC)
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- DCBaseDirectory= The full path name to the base directory for this report (in quotes).
- Defaults to "C:\" if not specified.
- (examples) "C:\My Documents"
- "D:\"
- DCReportFormat= One letter specifying the desired format for this report.
- R = Regular (Default)
- T = Tab-Delimited
- DCIncludeSubdirectories= Whether or not to include subdirectories in the search.
- Yes = Search the base directory and all of its subdirectories (Default)
- No = Search only the base directory
- DCOutputName= Whether or not to show file names in the report.
- Yes = Show file names (Default)
- No = Don't show file names
- DCOutputDateModified= Whether or not to show file last modified dates in the report.
- Yes = Show last modified dates (Default)
- No = Don't show last modified dates
- DCOutputSize= Whether or not to show file sizes in the report.
- Yes = Show file sizes (Default)
- No = Don't show file sizes
- DCOutputAttributes= Whether or not to show file attributes in the report.
- Yes = Show file attributes (Default)
- No = Don't show file attributes
- DCOutputDateCreated= Whether or not to show file creation dates in the report.
- Yes = Show file creation dates
- No = Don't show file creation dates (Default)
- DCOutputDateAccessed= Whether or not to show file last accessed dates in the report.
- Yes = Show file last accessed dates
- No = Don't show file last accessed dates (Default)
- DCOutputCompressedSize= Whether or not to show compressed file sizes in the report.
- Only meaningful for NTFS file systems.
- Yes = Show compressed file sizes
- No = Don't show compressed file sizes (Default)
- DCOutputCompressionRatio= Whether or not to show file compression ratios in the report.
- Only meaningful for NTFS file systems.
- Yes = Show file compression ratios
- No = Don't show file compression ratios (Default)
- DCOutputSequenceNo= Whether or not to show sequence numbers in the report.
- Sequentially numbers each detail line.
- Yes = Show sequence numbers
- No = Don't show sequence numbers (Default)
- DCSortBy= One letter specifying how the report should be sorted.
- N = Name (Default)
- T = Type
- M = Modified date
- S = Size
- C = Creation date
- A = Accessed date
- X = Not sorted
- DCSortOrder= One letter specifying the sort order.
- A = Ascending (Default)
- D = Descending
- DCTmp= Whether or not to search for .tmp files.
- Yes = Search for .tmp files (Default)
- No = Don't search for .tmp files
- DCTilde= Whether or not to search for tilde (~) files.
- Yes = Search for tilde files (Default)
- No = Don't search for tilde files
- DCGid= Whether or not to search for .gid files.
- Yes = Search for .gid files (Default)
- No = Don't search for .gid files
- DCFts= Whether or not to search for .fts files.
- Yes = Search for .fts files (Default)
- No = Don't search for .fts files
- DCBak= Whether or not to search for .bak files.
- Yes = Search for .bak files (Default)
- No = Don't search for .bak files
- DCZip= Whether or not to search for .zip files.
- Yes = Search for .zip files (Default)
- No = Don't search for .zip files
- ================== END OF BATCH.TXT ================================